All Things Bright And Beautiful

A lot of bright and beautiful things have happened during the past two weeks! I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to compose an eloquent blog post. Then eventually, I hoped for a “semi-coherent” post. And today, it appears I shall settle for a “quantity if not quality post” by sharing with you a few random musings, and a lot of blurry images soft-focus cell-phone photos. (OK. , thanks for humoring me)

1. MY GARDEN:  It’s a miracle! I fully expected when I started my garden experiment that I would have killed everything by now. But, I’m stunned pleasantly pleased to report that all those little seeds and plants have been determined to survive and thrive despite my neglectful gardner-hood!

2. MY BACKYARD BUDDIES:  I live on the foothill of a beautiful mountain. Although our neighborhood was built-in the 1960s and is fully established  as “Suburbia”, from time to time I am gently reminded that I am not a true resident here, but rather a blessed guest. On Sunday morning at 5:30 am my alarm went off as usual, and I readied myself for a new Sabbath of singing praise. While the rest of my family enjoyed their peaceful dreams inside our sleepy house I tiptoed into the kitchen and enjoyed a little nature show playing outside my window (which I was able to snap a few photos of)

3. MY BABY: On Friday June 1st my baby girl walked across the stage and accepted her High School diploma. I felt my heart swell with love and pride and gratitude, at the same time it was plummeting with the bitter-sweet knowledge that my world has slipped off its comfortable axis, and my entire role is being re-defined. In a few short weeks she will be flying away from the safe nesting place of my arms and out into the big unknown. And, although I’ve been through this once before, it really isn’t softening the blow. Last time, I was experiencing the fresh panic of watching my first child leave the nest. This time, I am experiencing the amplified panic of watching my second – and last – child preparing to leap,  coupled with the desperately sad realization that there will be no more launches. Something catches in my throat, and I find myself grinning wider in an attempt to hold the tears inside my squinting eyes. Oh, yes I am truly so excited for her! I’m in awe of her beauty, intelligence, talents, and poise. I’m amazed that this stunning woman standing before my eyes is in fact the very same curly-haired sticky-fingered little cherub I used to endlessly bounce up and down on my knees to peals of giggles.

“Is this really her? Really?! Wow!” As we exited the graduation ceremony we were treated to the powerful strains of Amazing Grace being played on a bagpipe. I’m sure this was meant to be a celebratory gift, but it felt all too funerary for me! Could this really be “it” then? My babies are grown and my work here is “finished?!” Dear Lord, please hold on tight to my fragile mommy heart and show me how to walk this foreign path ahead!

There are sure to be some tears to come. But, today I want to celebrate the beauties of our earth, marvel at the wonders of creation, and rejoice in this amazing, crazy thing we call “LIFE“! – MoSop

Click on photos to enlarge, or to view as a gallery slide show


  1. “Something catches in my throat, and I find myself grinning wider in an attempt to hold the tears inside my squinting eyes.”

    Wow. I thoroughly enjoyed this, what a beautiful, beautiful reflection. Quantity AND quality! It makes me think of my mother, and it’s horrifically guilt-wracking haha.


    1. Awww, thank you Steve! It’s sweet to think you’re reading my blog in a yurt somewhere in remote China and thinking about your mother. ♥ Keep checking in with her, and telling her how much you love her (hint: you can’t ever do it too much). Take care and be blessed! – Mo


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