Love One Another: Musical Message

Today we share a timely Mormon Messages musical video about love. The song entitled “Love One Another” is a favorite Latter-day Saint Hymn written in 1961 by Luacine Clark Fox [1914-2002]. It is performed here by Debra Fotheringham and Russ Dixon [lead singer of the band “Colors“]. 

Happy Valentines Day!


  1. Hello….I love your site. I also love this arrangement of Love One Another. Do you know if sheet music is available? Thanks for this and all of the great music on your site!



  2. I just viewed a good number of videos you have provided. Doing that helped me to more fully realize how much the Lord Jesus Christ has shown His love for all of us including me. By that I was caused to reflect on how much I show my love that the Savior has given me to those around me. I realize that I have a long way to go to more fully emulate that matchless love He has shown all of us, but I know the journey will be well worth the effort and the challenges.


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