Sharing Christmas Magic

It’s “Christmas Time in the City“, and “the most wonderful time of the year.” But, it is often the most busy, hectic and exhausting time of the year, too. It is also Anniversary Time for Mr. Mo and me! The two of us reached 28 years of marriage last Tuesday December 19th. A lot of years. We were lucky to be able to extend our celebration for several days this week.

Here are highlights of all the fun we’ve been having (and why I wasn’t finding time to blog). Hoping to share some of the Christmas magic with you:

A Fancy Party

It just so happened that the annual Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Party was held on the same day as our anniversary – December 19th. This is how “The Day of Us” turned into a very Grand event with about 1,200+ of our Choir/Orchestra/Bells Family. Here’s a photo of us being all fancy – posing in front of the Grand America Hotel’s spectacular Gingerbread House.

Yes, that huge “children’s playhouse” behind us is actually a glorious sugary confection! (complete with over-the-top electric lighting, two digital fireplaces and candy furnishings)

Here’s a little video tour I created of the candy house 🙂

The theme of this year’s dinner was a Celtic Christmas.

It came complete with pipers, drummers, and dancers!

Dinner On The Roof

Technically we were not “on” the roof – but “in” the roof…

The Roof Restaurant, that is! Mr. Mo had planned a night for just the two of us Friday, December 22. It began with The Roof.

Eating at The Roof is more than just a dinner – it’s an experience. Located on the 10th Floor of the historic Joseph Smith Memorial Building (former Hotel Utah) guests can enjoy a gourmet buffet while being serenaded by a live piano performance, and take in the stunning views of the Salt Lake City Temple directly across from you through the floor to ceiling windows (and in December, this includes all the twinkling Christmas lights below).

Santa Serenade

All month long I’ve noticed The Singing Santa standing at the south-east entrance of Temple Square plaza. I finally had time to stop, listen, and create a proper video of one of his performances. Who knew Santa was a guitar hero?

Good job, Santa!

Mannheim Steamroller Concert

Mr. Mo surprised me with tickets to see Mannheim Steamroller perform in the beautiful new Eccles Theater! Oh my!

I love their music so much! You could say Mannheim Steamroller is part of the musical “soundtrack of my life”. I have so many memories connected to their music – especially their Christmas songs. For five decades I’ve never seen them perform LIVE in person … until now!

The program


That pretty much sums up the entire concert. Just, Wow. These artists really know how to put on a stunning show of sound and light. They combine captivating video clips on a large screen behind the performers, and then stunning magical special effects happen – all while they are making the most beautiful music. I especially love how many of the religious Christmas songs they include in their repertoire – and it was lovely seeing angels, candles and video clips of the Wise Men incorporated in the program – along with the secular Christmas offerings.

Any filming of video was forbidden during the concert. But, taking photos without flash were permitted. So, here are all my blurry and feeble attempts to capture and share the magic with you.

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A promo video gives a sample – but, the real thing is just so much better. If you ever have a chance to attend one of their concerts – Go! You’ll never regret it.

In addition to all of this amazing-ness, Mr. Mo surprised me yet again with an overnight stay at a cozy local Bed & Breakfast called The Inn On The Hill (our favorite B&B – we highly recommend it). The Inn is located only a short walk from Temple Square, the beautiful downtown lights, and all the sights!

Wrapping It Up

After our magical anniversary get-away, we spent Saturday back in the crazy “real world” of making last minute purchases, fighting traffic, and then sequestering ourselves at home doing our annual “Wrapping“.

Let the Christmas Eve/Christmas Day gifting begin!

And… that’s also a wrap on this overly long and event-packed blog post. Whew!

I am wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. From my house and my heart to yours. If you are finding it hard to feel pure peace this year, I understand. It’s been a very hard year for all of us. Several of you have had to face some really tough, extra-hard trials. My prayer is that you may feel the promise of true and lasting peace – which we receive from the Prince of Peace.

It is His birth, and the promise He brings the earth that we celebrate today.

quote-uchtdorf-christmas-1174194-galleryHe loves you. He cares about you.

So do I. ♥

Merry Christmas!

Love, MoSop



  1. I’ve been without my computer for a couple of weeks. Finally got it back. What beautiful pictures, especially of you and Mr. Mo. What a sweet couple you are.

    If you like Manheim Steamroller you’ll like this. David Archuleta sang with them a few years ago at an ice skating show. Here he is singing Up Above the Northern Lights. Beautiful song, singer and skaters:

    Love you, Lynne

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