2017 Christmas Devotional

Tonight was the annual First Presidency Christmas Devotional of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

If you missed it, please enjoy watching the program here (note, it starts at 1:00:00, and I have posted it to begin at the correct starting point). If you look close, you might even catch a glimpse of yours truly singing…



As of last night we officially have Christmas lights on the outside of our home! Mr. Mo and I wrapped both of our large decks yesterday morning.

Yes, this is a humble-brag moment.

We used these LED multi-colored lights

Bonus: We also have our Christmas Tree up! Thanks to Daughter Bee it’s completely decorated, the star is shining on top, and the stockings are hung!

This is a huge victory.

Every year I wonder if we are going to have any sign of Christmas at our house. Between my day job and Choir event schedule December always slips right through my fingers.

But, this year, our home feels festive and cozy. There’s nothing more magical than turning all the lights off in your house except the Christmas tree lights, and then enjoying that beautiful glow!

I hope your home is starting to feel like Christmas, and that you are enjoying your own traditions, decorations and holiday “glow”.

Merry Christmas! MoSop




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